uBlock Origin
uBlock Origin is a free and open-source browser extension for content filtering, including ad blocking. The extension is available for Chrome, Chromium, Edge, Firefox, Brave, Opera, Pale Moon, as well as versions of Safari before 13. uBlock Origin has received praise from technology websites and is reported to be much less memory-intensive than other extensions with similar functionality. uBlock Origin's stated purpose is to give users the means to enforce their own choices. uBlock Origin is actively developed and maintained by its creator and lead developer Raymond Hill and the open source community. As... Wikipedia
- Original author(s): Raymond Hill (gorhill)
- Developer(s): Current, Raymond Hill, Past, Deathamns, Chris Aljoudi, Alex Vallat
- Initial release: June 23, 2014
- Written in: JavaScript
- Operating system: Cross-platform
- Available in: 72 languages
- Type: Browser extension
- License: GPLv3
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