Squid Game
Squid Game is a South Korean dystopian survival thriller television series created, written and directed by Hwang Dong-hyuk for Netflix. Its cast for the first season includes Lee Jung-jae, Park Hae-soo, Wi Ha-joon, HoYeon Jung, O Yeong-su, Heo Sung-tae, Anupam Tripathi, and Kim Joo-ryoung. The series revolves around a secret contest where 456 players, all of whom are in deep financial hardship, risk their lives to play a series of deadly children's games for the chance to win a ₩45.6 billion prize. The series'... Wikipedia
- Genre: Survival, Science fiction, Action thriller, Dystopian, Horror
- Created by: Hwang Dong-hyuk
- Written by: Hwang Dong-hyuk
- Directed by: Hwang Dong-hyuk
- Starring: Lee Jung-jae, Park Hae-soo, Wi Ha-joon, HoYeon Jung, O Yeong-su, Heo Sung-tae, Anupam Tripathi, Kim Joo-ryoung
- Composer(s): Jung Jae-il
- Country of origin: South Korea
- Original language(s): Korean
- No. of seasons: 1
- No. of episodes: 9
- Editor(s): Nam Na-yeong
- Camera setup: Multi-camera
- Running time: 32–63 minutes
- Production company(s): Siren Pictures Inc.
- Budget: US$21.4 million
- Original network: Netflix
- Related shows: Squid Game: The Challenge